After The First Panic Attack is about one victim’s lonesome journey.

Jim tried everything within his means, searching for the answers to the bewildering state he was in; the state that robbed him of the joy of living.

Medicine, chiropractic, acupuncture, vitamin therapy, hypnosis, exercise and faith healing were all involved, but with no results.

 Jim was continually asking questions:  What is happening to me? Why do I feel this way?  How can I support my family? Is this the way I will have to live my life, if you could call this living?

There are many misleading books and programs available. How many have  you tried so far? Everything in Jim’s book is factual, and all the answers Jim was searching for that led to his full recovery are  here.

If you are an anxiety victim looking for your way out, Jim assures you this will not be another dead end.